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  • CONTACT | nina-isabelle


  • YARD WORK / Nina A. Isabelle


  • JUST SITUATIONS | nina-isabelle

    HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... FEMINIST ART GROUP (F.A.G.) doing JUST SITUATIONS June 23, 2017 Grace Exhibition Space Brooklyn, NY "Just Situations is a hybrid conference, festival, and “political science fair,” hosting artists and active citizens who are working in performative ways, moving beyond the trending commercialization of art “about” politics, into non-representational and non-reproductive modes of performance which directly construct, speculate, design. position, and posit “just” forms of political, social, and personal human being and becoming." "States of unknowing, collectivity transcending and social becoming are workshopped and parsed, particulated and presented." JUST SITUATIONS is a project of the Brooklyn International Performance Art Foundation (BIPAF). BIPAF is an ongoing (since 2013), communal, and demi-anonymous/open-source platform for performance of socially-constructive institutional critique. IMG_E6818 Thea Little, IV Castellanos Elizabeth Lamb Quinn Dukes Elizabeth Lamb Elizabeth Lamb Elizabeth Lamb Elizabeth Lamb Elizabeth Lamb, IV Castellanos 1/1

  • FEEDING THE ENTITY | nina-isabelle

    HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... FEEDING THE ENTITY MARCH 2015 Clara Diamond & Nina Isabelle Feeding The Entity explores the development and agenda of interwoven notions of communal beliefs, material dynamics, possibilities of non-linear physical travel implied through numbers expressing location using longitude and latitude, the metaphor of breath in relation to inspiration and language styles expressing give-and-take or push/pull communication patterns, the articulation of verbal concepts in relation to the movement between ball-and-socket joints such as the hips and shoulders during the birthing-process, as well as the documentation of scientifically unsubstantiated effects of focused intention and ritual action in non-physical reality such as memory, deja-vu, and other phenomena of psychic imprint.

  • HYMN WARP TRANSDUCER | nina-isabelle

    HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... THE HYMN WARP TRANSDUCER The Hymn Warp Transducer was performed as part of Paul McMahon's Woodstock Invitational for The Bedstock / 👁❤️🦄 Exhibition. 9 Herkimer Place in Brooklyn, NY APRIL 15, 2018 Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / Documentation: Amelia Iaia. Using mouths, machines and tools to convert internal physical sound qualities into noisy output and a visual heap, Appalachian Abacus Haste melds converted hymns with Ever Peacock’s spooky loop-slide guitar sounds and Simon Ampel's rhythms while Nina Isabelle frames the operation in a warped slipshod suffocation structure. Hymn Warp Transducer Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer, Nina Isabelle Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer, Nina Isabelle Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer, Nina Isabelle Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Show More

  • Nina A. Isabelle // Abstract Painting // 2016

    Nina A. Isabelle is a multidisciplinary artist working with abstract painting, performance art, video, photography, sound, and sculpture. HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... PAINTINGS 2016 20-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 19-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 18-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 17-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 16-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 15-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 14-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 13-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 12-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 11-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 10-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 9-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 8-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 7-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 6-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 5-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 4-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 3-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 2-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 1-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 1/1

  • THREE PHASE | nina-isabelle

    HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... THREE PHASE 3607 ATWOOD RD. STONE RIDGE, NY email: Located in Stone Ridge, NY Three Phase is a place to formulate, find, construct, propose and articulate with information derived from process-based art actions, object construction, performance, experimentation and outcomes. Three Phase is dedicated to supporting and reframing the utility of art practices that aim to sort and solve problems of language and perception by offering an array of workshops, services, studio & lab time as well as space for performance art, movement and sound exploration. Three Phase Center is a Woman-led organization - conceived, owned & operated by Nina Isabelle.

  • AARON PIERCE | nina-isabelle

    HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... Aaron Pierce February 2017 A: I am a graduate from Utah Valley University and I am writing a dissertation for the university's biannual Art History Symposium. The topic of discussion this year is Maximalism. I am particularly focusing on performance art as the contemporary medium that is reinventing museum spaces and engaging audiences by stimulating the senses more through music, dance, film, and painting combined. That is where your exhibit Animal Maximalism came to my attention. I am completely intrigued and enthralled by your performance art pieces and projects you have created. For this paper, I would love to have your view on performance art and Maximalism. I am interested in hearing some of your methods about performance art and Maximalism. It is rare in art history to be able to have contact with the artist, hence my excitement. If you do not mind sharing your opinion, I would like to know how you feel performance art engages audiences and pushes them to connect on a higher level to art? Also, why are we seeing a shift towards more performance art pieces in museums and galleries? I feel that audiences want to have a full sensory experience. How does Maximalist performance art achieve this better than other medium of art? N: I practice a process of allowance where I let myself do what I want. This approach results in maximum data and action. By letting myself engage with an array of modalities I can generate multiple outcomes and possibilities. Because I'm not limited to any single mode of involvement, I'm free to use painting, performance, photography, or video or a mixture of modalities as I find necessary depending on my agenda and instinct. This suits my athletic, resourceful, and determined nature. I approach performance art in the same way I would approach any other art modality- by paying close attention to gut instincts and psychic impressions in a process designed to override cerebral programming. The aim is always to align action with intention, and make note of the findings and outcome along the way. Performance art is a good choice when the concept I'm grappling with calls for a human body, action, or a narrative to actuate the outcome, especially literal concepts like worshiping the golden calf or using blood to cleanse things. My body can become a tool, a stand-in, or effigy of or for the viewer, creating a point of commonality to facilitate access. Aligning action with intention is also a way to re-frame ritual and an attempt to validate the effectiveness of approaches historically relegated to realms of religious structures and beliefs. I was recently invited to teach an art theory class for kids at The Hudson Valley Sudbury School. Through our discussions it emerged that the students felt most drawn to art practices and outcomes that suited the nature, mentality, and necessity of the individual artist. For instance they could relate to how Chuck Close became successful at painting faces as a result of his lifelong struggle with a facial recognition disorder. In reflecting on my personal method it occurs to me that my mode of operation is dictated by my nature, I didn't choose to function within the Maximalism approach and philosophy, it's just that the philosophy happens to align with my nature. I'm a serial over-doer of all things who relishes the opportunity to push things too far. My work is reactionary because I'm a reactionary person. For instance the first time I encountered minimalism I was ready to explode in a thousand directions. And, as an art student I couldn't help but challenge typical art professor's slogans such as "You have to know when to stop." Of course I could recognized the academically dictated stopping point but I would never in a million years stop there. I've always felt that learning how to challenge, push, or destroy something is a valid study when handled respectfully and with intention. Performance art is an another mode of operating for artists to use in order to find or generate new information, to experiment with creating new experiences, or to try to express something they otherwise couldn't. It can engage the viewer in an intimate way offering the potential to build powerful experiences as it facilitates a space that can involve and include the viewer in a novel physical or psychic way. It's possible that since performance art inhabits walking space where gallery-goers would otherwise be moving about, a psychic connection is created by sharing the same space. As viewers, we know less about what it would be like to hang motionless on a wall. Performance art offers a platform for artists to practice aligning action with intention, a way to possibly re-frame ritual and to build experimental new models for of control or power to replace outmoded religious structures and beliefs. But also, It's possible the performance art trend might be a way for artists to backhandedly confront consumerism and elitism simultaneously, or at least to create the illusion of doing so. Commercial galleries and academic environments can be market driven or exclusive, but performance art has the ability to dissolve those traditional notions and to expand viewership by engaging broader mentalities in a way that would be difficult for strictly visual work focused on heady concepts or dollar amounts. And since we live in a culture of visual bombardment, where viewer's digitally conditioned eyes and minds are increasingly savvy, and in conjunction with consumer programming, we need something that can function both inside of and outside of commercial gallery and academic paradigms. There is a literal dissolution of boundaries. Since performance art is impervious to ownership and commodification, it pushes against market-driven capitalist structures and challenges a system where finances determine success. Issues of marketability, ownership, or commodity all come into play because its difficult to financially capitalize off of performance art. So, maybe it's like most trends- timely and culturally necessity. I developed the Animal Maximalism exhibition concept as a way to bombard the human sensory input manifold with the intention of revealing cloaked information. I use the word "Animal" as an homage to instinct. For me academia operated through reversal, fueling my defiance more than refining me the way school is supposed to, so part of my mission has always been to build legitimate framework for us animals, one that is less cage-like, and Maximalism is a good framework for that agenda. I try to work within and build upon systems that already exist that might reflect and support my authentic nature, and to allow my work to reflect and be a response to the full spectrum of my body's biologic manifestation of its own history within its cultural environment. Maximalism feels like science-fiction, in that it offers the potential for system building where the inward personal landscape can travel all the way outward through the giant jumbled experience of collective household, community, country, and planetary psychic connections. Maybe performance offers an easier access point to the viewer in that we can all relate to each other as humans who are human shaped and have human form. We all share common ways of moving our human forms through space. It's possible that performance could function to create a portal, like a way out or a way in.

  • HiLo Catskill / Nina A. Isabelle

    HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... Nina Isabelle Opening at HiLo CATSKILL, NY MAY 2017 Nina Isabelle, with her signature gusto, will be presenting an evening of intrigue, education, and hullabaloo. Arm wrestling, The Overconfident Autodidact (performed by Erik Hokanson,) a tea party performance by Valerie Sharp, a public interview with the questioner another performance artist (Matthew Gioia,) and two documentary screenings- The Eucharist Machine and Time Travel Research Documentary.. Nina Isabelle's installation will be at HiLo from now until June 5. It can be viewed M-F 7am-2pm and Sat & Sun 9am - 4pm until May 3rd after which time the hours will be M-Tu 7-2, W-Th 7 -4, Fri 7am-12am, Sat 7-12am, Sun 9am - 10pm

  • F.A.G at OLD GLENFORD CHURCH | nina-isabelle

    HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... FEMINIST ART GROUP (F.A.G) HURLEY, NY SEPTEMBER 1-4, 2017 THE OLD GLENFORD CHURCH STUDIO IV Castellanos, Amanda Hunt, Miette, Anya Liftig, Elizabeth Lamb, Jodie Lyn Kee Chow, Lorene Baboushian, Valerie Sharp, Kate Hamberger, Linda Montano, Ernest Goodmaw, Jennifer Zackin, Clara Diamond, Nina Isabelle

  • PIANO PORTRAITS | nina-isabelle

    HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... PIANO PORTRAITS ​ By Linda Mary Montano with Nina Isabelle, & Jennifer Zackin HiLo Catskill, NY February 11, 2018 ​ During these dangerous / confusing / armageddonned times, we are all looking for connection, understanding and warmth. The three of us are committed to providing public art medicine. ART=LIFE=ART. For our PIANO PORTRAITS event at HiLo, we invite audience member-collaborators to sit in a chair on stage to receive a public art healing. Linda Mary Montano will improvise your piano portrait, Nina Isabelle will interpret you through action / movement, and Jennifer Zackin will macrame. Using knots and rope, sunglasses, costumes, blindfolds, action, movement, and sound, we will publicly heal ourselves and you. ART HEALS! ​ Photos by Adolfo Ibanez Ayerve and Carrie Dashow ​ Piano Portraits at HiLo Piano Portraits at HiLo with Linda Mary Montano, Nina Isabelle, and Jennifer Zackin. Photo by Adolfo Ibanez Ayerve Piano Portraits at HiLo Piano Portraits at HiLo with Linda Mary Montano, Nina Isabelle, and Jennifer Zackin. Photo by Adolfo Ibanez Ayerve Piano Portraits at HiLo Piano Portraits at HiLo with Linda Mary Montano, Nina Isabelle, and Jennifer Zackin. Photo by Adolfo Ibanez Ayerve Piano Portraits at HiLo Piano Portraits at HiLo with Linda Mary Montano, Nina Isabelle, and Jennifer Zackin. Photo by Adolfo Ibanez Ayerve Piano Portraits at HiLo Piano Portraits at HiLo with Linda Mary Montano, Nina Isabelle, and Jennifer Zackin. Photo by Adolfo Ibanez Ayerve Piano Portraits at HiLoa_3 Piano Portraits at HiLo with Linda Mary Montano, Nina Isabelle, and Jennifer Zackin. Photo by Adolfo Ibanez Ayerve Piano Portraits at HiLo Piano Portraits at HiLo with Linda Mary Montano, Nina Isabelle, and Jennifer Zackin. Photo by Adolfo Ibanez Ayerve Piano Portraits at HiLo Piano Portraits at HiLo with Linda Mary Montano, Nina Isabelle, and Jennifer Zackin. Photo by Adolfo Ibanez Ayerve Piano Portraits at HiLo Piano Portraits at HiLo with Linda Mary Montano, Nina Isabelle, and Jennifer Zackin. Photo by Adolfo Ibanez Ayerve Piano Portraits at HiLo Piano Portraits at HiLo with Linda Mary Montano, Nina Isabelle, and Jennifer Zackin. Photo by Adolfo Ibanez Ayerve LINDA MARY MONTANO is a seminal figure in contemporary feminist performance art and her work since the mid 1960s has been critical in the development of video by, for, and about women. Attempting to dissolve the boundaries between art and life, Montano continues to actively explore her art/life through shared experience, role adoption, and intricate life altering ceremonies, some of which last for seven or more years. Her artwork is starkly autobiographical and often concerned with personal and spiritual transformation. Montano’s influence is wide ranging – she has been featured at museums including The New Museum in New York, MOCA San Francisco and the ICA in London. NINA ISABELLE is a process-based multidisciplinary artist working with action and perception. She works to deconstruct sensory input to the extent that meaning becomes shifted and interpretations become a phenomena of psychic imprint. By incorporating physical movement, modified technology, art and non-art objects, her work builds systems of action designed to intuit site-specific information- tethering the collective, personal, and regional relative narratives that drive the performance space machine toward trajectories of new perception, belief, and possibilities. Referencing the inability of communication which is used to visualize reality, the failure of dialogue, the dissonance between form and content, as well as the shortcomings of literal language, Isabelle pushes material and information past the point of recognition in a way that forces a shift in meaning, revealing new information that can transform and challenge the limits of material, perception, and belief. Her work has been exhibited at The San Diego Art Institute, The Bangkok Underground Film Festival, HiLo Catskill, the CICA Museum in South Korea, and most recently, The Mothership in Woodstock, NY. JENNIFER ZACKIN has been integrating public art, sculpture, installation, performance, collaboration, ceremony, photography, video, collage and drawing into acts of reverence and reciprocity for the past 14 years. Whether wrapping trees in patterns of brightly colored rope, growing medicinal herbs in a public garden for public use, offering large masses of rose petals to oceans and lakes, creating absorbent tentacles ("hair booms") out of salvaged materials to aid in the clean-up efforts of toxic spills, Zackin seeks to engage and create community in her process, bringing art and ritual into everyday life. Every act is an exploration of exchange, communion, performance, skill-sharing and mark-making. Writing in a cataloque essay about her work Lori Waxman states; “Jennifer Zackin has worked with Rose Petals, Little Plastic Cowboys, pre-Columbian symbols, bright handmade pom-poms, cheap mass-produced posters, coca leaves, and her grandfathers old Super-8 home movies. How she weaves them into rhythmic, often meditative forms depends in great part on the underlying pattern that she is able to detect and orchestrate among her diverse materials.” Her work has been exhibited in national and international museums, including the Whitney Museum of American Art NY, Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art CT, Spertus Museum - Chicago IL, Rose Museum MA, the Wexner Center for the Arts OH, Contemporary Art Museum - Houston TX, The Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvikodden - Norway, Institute of Contemporary Art - Boston MA and the Zacheta National Art Gallery - Warsaw, Poland. Commissions include Governors Island NYC with LMCC, Katonah Art Museum NY, Socrates Sculpture Park LIC - Queens NY and the Berkshire Botanical Gardens - Stockbridge, MA. She is the recipient of fellowships and residencies, including Factory Direct at Pinchbeck Rose Farm, Art Omi, Atlantic Center for the Arts and the Skowhegan School for Painting and Sculpture. Event photo: Carrie Dashow

  • LIVE STREAM | nina-isabelle



    HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... LANDLINES Performance by Nina Isabelle & Jennifer Zackin at CX Silver Gallery in Brattleboro, VT. August 26, 2018 An interactive type of immersion-therapy, Landlines invites viewers & participants to make their own meaning out of actions and gestures happening within a sea of dissonance. How do we cultivate the cultural phenomena of communication while agendas of power and dominance try to hijack our semiotic proclivity with fake news and ad campaigns designed to entrench us in divisive notions of entitlement and correctness? When lines of communication become connected to fear, anger, and resentment, how do we clear and reground them to empathy and grace? ​

  • LISTENING MEDIUMS | nina-isabelle


  • 650 ml. OF LUNG PUSS | nina-isabelle

    HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... 650 ML. OF LUNG PUSS A seventeen-day artlife performance at Westchester Medical Center's Maria Fareri Children's Hospital in Valhalla, NY December 18, 2019 - January 3, 2020 650 ml. of Lung Puss was a seventeen-day performance initiated by a dire circumstance that ultimately demonstrated a quantum aspect of artlife processes. Influenced by my friend and artlife colleague Linda Mary Montano, the performance inspired a deeper understanding of a performance process that summons elemental energies from a nonlocational power source. These energies exist in a state of quantum superposition and can be programmed using intention, determination, focus, and sacrifice, to transmute pain, suffering, and trauma into tolerance, endurance, resilience, self awareness, control, forgiveness, grace, and gratitude. The performance began on December 18th when I carried my near lifeless and blue 94lb. daughter across a large, dark, silent, windy, and cold parking lot into the hospital's emergency room. The energies that fueled this difficult task were conjured from a deeply derived performative physical power cultivated by all mothers collectively throughout eternal time combined with the tension building from a deadlocked schism between my intuition and the medical authorities. In the past two days, we had been sent home from the emergency room and a pediatrician's office. Meanwhile, my daughter had developed sepsis from Scarlett Fever, Pneumonia, and a pleural effusion in her left lung. Our hospital performance engaged members of our close community, artlife collaborators and colleagues, friends and family, and the larger medical community of ambulance drivers, EMTs, emergency room attendants, nurses,doctors, phlebotomists, surgeons, lab and x-ray technicians, infectious disease specialists, sanitation specialists, medical administrators, and so on. Together, we collectively transformed into an unintentional ensemble performing actions together as our best selves in order to save a child's life. We embodied multiple and often simultaneous roles and embraced the fluctuating spaces between these modes. We performed as mothers, organizers, brothers, partners, distractors, whisperers of encouragement, visitors, tear swallowers, fear fighters, candle lighters, gift givers, keepers of tempers, story book readers, temperature takers, practitioners of patience, hand holders, phone callers, researchers, organizers, group texters, medicine givers, vomit bucket holders, comforters, food providers, errand runners, and healers. On the final day of our hospital performance, Linda texted "rest art!!!" to our group. We were finally able to go home, perform rest, and RESTART. This performance demonstrated that art and life function as entangled dimensions through subtle quantum artlife processes. We learned that approaches effective in art and performance dimensions are also effective in dimensions of life and other realities, and that intentions and actions occurring within one dimension simultaneously reflect, impact, and are made evident in multiple ways throughout multiple dimensions. Engaging with life circumstances through performative art mechanisms allows us to translate the diverse array of creative skills derived from our disciplined artlife practices, (our responsive, intuitive, reflexive, mindful, and conceptual abilities,) into cognitive modes of awareness that inform the new life patterns necessary to thrive as artists in life. Through this post-conceptualizing processes, we gain the ability to sidestep linear chronologies and reframe the concepts of our engagements post-performatively as a way to articulate with the personal mechanisms of awareness and control necessary to make meanings and choices that fortify our collective artlives in new and beneficial ways. List of Performers: Paul DeVincent, Ernest Goodmaw, Sylvia Hallibelle, Chris Hallman, Erik Hokanson, Eric Hurliman, Ulysses Hurliman, Bg Isabelle, Ed Isabelle, Kate Isabelle, Lou Isabelle, Louie Isabelle-DeVincent, Margie Isabelle, Nina Isabelle, Brian McCorkle, Jill McDermid, Paul McMahon, Linda Mary Montano, Ever Peacock, Mor Pipman, Valerie Sharp, Maureen Sharp, Luke Stence, Jennifer Zackin, and Havarah Zawaluk, many anonymous medical professionals, hospital workers, elementary school teachers, school nurses, community mothers and children.

N I N A  A. I S A B E L L E 

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